Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to some frequently
asked questions about Geekify.

No! Our techs are experts in giving various IT solutions regardless of if you are a business owner or just require assistance for your home computers.

Yes! Not only do we offer tech services, we also sell computers, laptops, antivirus and much more!

Our techs are extremely friendly and eloquent, you don’t need any prior knowledge to interact with them! They make everything easy for the customer.

You can contact us via email, our number or schedule appointments through our website and we will dispatch our techs to you!

You can contact us via email or through our customer care line (number) and we will get you sorted right away!

Please visit our website to check on the specific pricing of the type of service you require – generally we have very flexible and well thought services that are fit for all sorts of clients!

Further Any Query

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