Virus and Spyware Removal

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Is your device infected with a virus?

Viruses and spyware will cause all manner of performance and operational issues with the system. Malware and Viruses can cause permanent damage to your operating system and files. In many cases data loss (including personal information) is experienced while the computer is compromised. While this can be a complex process, here is what we will do to secure your device.

Provide malware removal help

We will run a comprehensive scan for viruses and malware and any malicious spyware that may be present on the system. Hackers are refining their processes and methods every day and sometimes the over-the-counter software does not catch it. Our expert technicians are experienced and will remove everything on your behalf.

Repair any operating system issues caused by the virus

With respect to the operating system, viruses and spyware will create issues. This can range from applications not functioning correctly, not operating at all and the dreaded blue screen that so many of us have experienced.

Perform critical operating system updates

If your computer is infected, it may not correctly download the critical operating system updates that are automatically performed. Our technicians will perform all the necessary updates that the operating system may have missed out on.

Test operating system for proper functionality

The technician will thoroughly test your operating system to ensure correct functionality. This is the most important step in the process of ensuring that the system is operating as intended. Our expert security technicians will take note of any issues at this stage and make sure this is rectified before competition.